Tienne 4 Srl was established in April 2014 on the initiative of Giacomo Mosconi, an entrepreneur from Brescia active with various companies operating in very different sectors, in Italy and internationally. The aim was to relaunch the production site in Pieve di Bono, which in the past represented a point of reference in the production of bathroom furniture, in Italy and abroad. The idea this time was present it once again to the “bathroom furniture” market, which is certainly a difficult one, but with innovative proposals capable of arousing interest on the part of the end user. The “project” was set up by adopting a completely new organisational model, involving Giacomo’s son Andrea, who has been collaborating with the company for several years now, and who also has the role of Sole Director to achieve the objectives of the medium-term Industrial Plan, which constitutes the constant point of reference for the entrepreneurial initiative.
Corporate Philosophy and Mission
The company philosophy is of dedicating the utmost attention to the market, in Italy but also abroad, following trends and studying technical solutions that are also suitable for new functions that may emerge. As such, it looks at the emotional aspect on the one hand, as in the case of a particular design or a special finish, but, above all, it also considers the functionality that will remain over time.
Tienne 4 has all the best features to better carry out its mission, which involves ensuring people get what they need, maintaining a competitive production process that keeps up with the best competition, while also cultivating a direct relationship with customers to be able to grasp their needs immediately and propose the best solutions.

Work safety and respect for the environment
Respect for safety in the workplace and the environment are key points of the company philosophy, which obviously takes into account the fact that the manufacturing process must not use polluting or particularly dangerous materials or products. One example of this is the installation of the heating for the production area, for which an ionic acceleration electrical system was adopted. This is a system that avoids the combustion process to generate heat with clear advantages from an operational point of view and in terms of emissions, as it does not require a boiler room. The packaging materials are also all recycled cardboard. Waste is collected in special containers differentiated by type and disposed of periodically in full compliance with current legislation. The entire production and service area is equipped with a 24-hour video surveillance system connected to the central station in order to guarantee maximum safety in the workplace, 7 days a week. Occupational safety and compliance with current legislation on the subject, which includes the preparation of the risk assessment document pursuant to art. 28, Legislative Decree 81/2008, is entrusted to the company Sicurezza e Igiene del Lavoro Srl, which carries out this activity through periodic checks, on a professional and continuous basis. In compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 231/01, the company has adopted a code of ethics, including the workers. With regard to the COVID-19 health emergency, it should be noted that Tienne 4 has adopted all the relevant measures and that, at present, no employee and/or collaborator of the company has tested positive for the virus.
Made in Italy Quality
Quality assurance is a key point of the philosophy and organisational model adopted by Tienne 4 and it spans the entire manufacturing cycle. The company is ISO 9001:2018 certified and has all the internal control procedures in place to ensure the quality of the final product, following and monitoring the individual stages of the process. This starts from the qualification of suppliers, which are all represented by leading manufacturers, both for the supply of components and for various processes, taking care of the purchase and management of raw materials from primary manufacturers, in order to guarantee the quality and homogeneity of the components and the final products. All the suppliers of panels, whether chipboard, faced or MDF (Medium Density-Fibreboard), are FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified. The components delivered are subject to quantitative and qualitative acceptance checks. Subsequently, they continue on the assembly lines, starting from the picking and preparation of the components for the assembly of individual orders, up to the final automatic packaging, labelling and process management, with barcodes that accompany the product to the warehouse for shipment and then until delivery to the end customer. In addition to ensuring the traceability of the material in all phases of the production cycle, this procedure allows us to better manage any defects or complaints from customers, who are ensured the promptest response times, and, at the same time, it suggests the most appropriate actions to be taken to avoid repeating any possible anomalies.